'With a phenomenal performance of Schubert's Quartet 'Der Tod und das Mädchen', the Ruysdael Quartet made clear it belongs to the absolute world top.'
Winand van de Kamp, Haarlems Dagblad
The Ruysdael Quartet has been one of the top Dutch string quartets for over 25 years. In the early years, it won several prizes, including the Charles Hennen Competition, the Concours Quatuors in Bordeaux and the prestigious Kersjes Prize. The quartet can be heard regularly on the radio and on all Dutch stages. The quartet also plays abroad frequently, with a number of tours in Japan, but also recently at the Brighton Festival in the United Kingdom and the Zunfkonzerte in Zurich.
Mozart: Quartet in E flat K428
Herrmann: Clarinet quintet
Zemlinsky: Quartet no. 3 op. 19
Stravinsky: Concertino
Alma Mahler: Songs
Korngold: Shakespeare Songs
Dvorak: Quartet in F op. 96 "American".
Mozart: Quartet in Es KV 428
Zemlinksy: Quartet no. 3
Schubert: Quartet in A "Rosamunde"
‘Not only are the Ruysdael unfailingly musical, they’ve honed a formidable technique since their formation in The Hague in 1996 – intonation is spot-on, ensemble razor-sharp and their diaphanous, meticulously balanced sound illuminates every musical strand, even in the most elaborate passages of Ainsi la nuit.’
Andrew Farach-Colton, Gramophone, October 2020
'With a phenomenal performance of Schubert's Quartet 'Der Tod und das Mädchen', the Ruysdael Quartet made it clear that it belongs to the absolute world top. With their rich, multi-coloured sound alone, the four musicians draw you into their argument. The quartet achieves maximum expression with total technical mastery. Every detail is right, every note falls precisely into place. But nothing about the Ruysdael Quartet's playing sounds contrived. It touches raw nerves.'
Winand van de Kamp, Haarlems Dagblad, September 24, 2020
'The string quartet Ainsi la nuit (1977) by French composer Henri Dutilleux is a hallucinatory masterpiece in itself. But give it into the hands of the Dutch Ruysdael Quartet and the illusion is complete. In a live recording from 2017, the four open a magic box of atmospheres and colours.'
Guido van Oorschot, Volkskrant, July 29, 2020
'The Ruysdael Quartet, which regularly tackles the work of contemporary composers, has dared to study Riley's extensive 'Salome Dances For Peace'. Riley wrote this five-part quartet, with a length of two hours, in 1989 for the Kronos Quartet. They also recorded the piece in the same year and since then no other quartet has dared to perform it completely. Now they have, and the Ruysdael's is downright masterful.'
If you have any questions, comments or other matters you would like to share with us, please email us at: info@ruysdaelkwartet.nl
For concerts and bookings:HB PERSONAL ARTIST MANAGEMENTHaiko Boonstra, general managerinfo@hbartistmanagement.com
Correspondence address:
Kiekendieflaan 9NL-1343 BG Almere Hout
In addition to visiting the concerts and events, you can also become a friend of the Ruysdael Quartet. There are two ways to do this:
You can become a HEART FRIENDS member for €50 per year, and in this way structurally support the Ruysdael Quartet to continue playing concerts at the highest level. You will receive an admission ticket to one of the quartet's own concerts, in Zutphen or Amsterdam, of your choice. In addition, you will receive the Ruysdael Newsletter twice a year.
You can also become a RUYSDAELSPONSOR for €150 per year. This entitles you to two tickets for their own concerts, plus the CD series “Russian Generations” released by the quartet. Of course you will also receive the newsletter.
For registration or information, please email: info@ruysdaelkwartet.nl.